



今天柏瑜所提供的文章主要是講解如何去對抗摩登柔術,當然小編在這邊跟讀者們稍微說明一下甚麼是摩登柔術(modern jiu-jitsu)  或是老學校柔術(old scool  jiu-jitsu),事實上大部分的練習者到了新一代的風格已經都是混合風比較多,不過因為巴西柔術還卡到一個師承的問題,通常學習者的老師是甚麼風格,往往左右著學生的主要風格。








什麼是摩登柔術呢?相對於基礎柔術,現在越來越多新一代的選手使用Berimbolo, 50/50, Worm Guard……不甚枚舉,這些技術在早期以護身術還有強力對抗的觀念下沒有什麼發展,但是到近代因為運動柔術的成長還有比賽普及,越來越多世界級的選手使用這些技術,例如:Mendes兄弟,Miyao兄弟,KeenanCornelius......等等。這些摩登柔術就像旋風一般襲捲柔術界,從白帶到黑帶都有選手苦心修煉。對此,也有老派的選手憤憤不平,認為這樣的模式是在破壞柔術的實用性與意義。但是,柔術的進化是不可抵擋的,比賽的導向已經逐漸展現出摩登柔術的影響力。 


就在本月初,世界知名的選手BERNARDO FARIA提出自己對摩登柔術的看法與提示,希望能讓老派的選手能加以對抗!一時之間,FARIA的發文也被轉貼在各大柔術社群,眾人的看法也各自不一。就讓筆者解讀這篇文章的內容與大家分享吧!








五個避免BERIMBOLO, 50/50 還有任何糾纏的提示








Is there anything more annoying in Jiu-Jitsu than competing or training against someone that you know you are betterthan, but you end up getting caught by the modern techniques and he goes to your back, or maybe stales the game, or maybe beats you by 1 advantage? Yes, since these new techniques have come up in Jiu-Jitsu (Berimbolo, 50/50, different scrambles) I have seen that happening a lot.


有什麼事情能在柔術的訓練或比賽中,讓你感到無法發揮自身實力,並且煩躁無奈呢?是被摩登柔術拿到背?又或是卡在一起?或是輸掉一個優勢?對,自從新技術進入柔術,包括Berimbolo, 50/50, different scrambles,這些鳥事總是發生。


Many times, the guy is really better than you, and thats why he gets you, but many times you are better than him, and he just got you because you still dont know how to defend these new techniques or even more important than that, you still dont know how to avoid them



During my entire competition career, I have never been caught in the Berimbolo yet. I have fallen into the 50/50 guard during competitions only a few times, but I have never been tapped out in the 50/50.


 在我的競賽生涯中,我不曾被帶入Berimbolo,也許曾經幾次被拉50/50 guard,但也不曾因其投降。





  I’m going to point out 5 things you can do to defend these modern techniques



1- Don’t Pass standing: If you are the type of guy who likes to pass the guard from standing, there is a big chance that you will get caught if your opponent is very good with these modern techniques. The standing pass favors a lot the berimbolo or 50/50 guy, because most of their entrances come when their opponents are standing.

一,不要站立過人:如果你是站立過人型的選手,你將會給對手很大的機會使用摩登柔術。很多 berimbolo or 50/50的愛好者很喜歡在對方站立時,使用摩登柔術。


2 – Dont let your opponent close the guard: If you let your opponent close the guard, it is never good. The closed Guard is one of the only positions in Jiu-Jitsu that is neutral, nobody is scoring, but only one guy can attack (the one on bottom). Just think about it, whoever is on top in the closed guard doesnt have any submissions from there. At least legit submissions that we see all the time. Also, when you are in the closed guard, you might need to stand up to try to pass, and when that happens we are vulnerable to the modern day Jiu-Jitsu techniques that I previously mentioned. So I would definitely avoid the closed guard.

二,不要讓你的對手使用關閉防禦(The closed Guard):如果你讓對手使用關閉防禦,絕對是不好的。關閉防禦中,下方選手可以直接進入攻擊,上方選手相對選擇較少。並且在破除關閉防禦時,站立的姿勢會更容易進入摩登柔術。


3 – Give the sweep but dont give your back: Another thing I see a lot happening, especially in the berimbolo situation, is that the person on bottom starts going for the berimbolo, he pretty much gets it, and the guy on top doesnt want to be scored on at all, and ends up giving the back. Most of the times when someone goes to the berimbolo, there is a very short time that you can feel if he is going to get it or not, and if you feel he will get it then I would try to give him the sweep, instead of letting him go to my back. When you try to resist, that is normally the time that they go to the back. So, If I feel that he is getting it, then I would just give away 2 points, and try to think one step ahead of him, to set up some good grips when he is coming on top. By doing this it will be better than giving him your back, that is one of the most dangerous situations in BJJ.



4 – Pass From The Knees Without Standing Any Leg: Against this modern BJJ I believe that passing from the Knees is the key. What I mean from the knees, is with both knees on the mat, if you post one leg, you are already vulnerable for the dela-riva hook, where everything starts. You might not see too many Berimbolos and 50/50 guards happening against old school guys like Xande and Saulo Ribeiro, who play a lot of stack passes and passing from the knees. Against this old style of passing like the Stack Pass, Over-Under, Half-Guard Pass, this modern Jiu-Jitsu becomes much less effective.

四,用膝蓋過人而不是站立:我相信對抗摩登柔術的關鍵在於膝蓋過人。我的意思是,當任何一隻腳是站立狀態時,你已經給了Dela-Riva Hook機會,那是多數摩登柔術的起點。你很少看到摩登柔術可以應用在老派選手,例如:Ribeiro兄弟,他們多用膝蓋做出過人。


5 – Last but not least: Avoid pulling guard at the same time with those modern guys. When you both pull guard at the same time, they are masters in setting up the berimbolo or dela-riva from there. If Im fighting against one of these guys for example, and we both pull guard simultaneously, I would go on top right away. Even though I wanted to be on bottom (thats why I pulled), Im going to completely change the strategy and go on top. It comes back to some thing that I talked a lot about here in my blog. Who has spent more time on that situation? I dont play berimbolos and 50/50, so I dont spend time at all with my butt on the mat when my opponent also has his butt on the mat. So If I stay there, probably he has much more options to attack than me, so I would rather change the strategy and play on top, because that is the position where I feel the most confortable.

五,最後提醒:避免跟這些摩登柔術同時拉防禦。他們相對於老派選手更容易進入Berimbolo or Dela-Riva。如果同時拉防禦,我一定要馬上站起來。就算我比較想待在下位,那也是我拉防禦的原因。我會馬上改用上位的戰術,這會回到一個非常基礎的問題,誰花比較久的時間練雙邊拉防禦或是摩登柔術?如果我待在那裡,會讓對方有更多進攻的選擇,這讓我寧願改變戰術打上位,因為這會讓我感到安全和自信。




看完了FARIA的文章,可以發現在摩登柔術的三個階段,開始,進入防禦,得分,必須要有正確的戰略思考才能與之對抗。開始前,必須避免進入關閉防禦,還有被抓到Dela-RivaHook。進入防禦也別緊張,利用姿勢把重心壓低少站立,減少Dela-Riva Hook的威脅,將對方帶入傳統過人的方式中。得分階段,當對手即將Sweep必須給出相對失分較少,威脅較少的位置,而不是被拿背。最後當然是知己知彼,百戰百勝,熟悉技術才能與之抗衡。




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